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Escort MAX4 Radar Detector


Price $649.95
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Twice the Accuracy. Best Performance in its Class.

The new ESCORT MAX4 carries on the tradition of the ESCORT with premium long range, enhanced and updated IVT filter, & MRCD MultaRadar detection. Featuring AutoLearn which uses our patented GPS technology to automatically "learn" (by exact location and frequency) each radar signal and determines if it's a real threat. The result is the most accurate long-range protection in the industry and a permanent solution to false alarms. You drive. It learns. End of story. Nothing could be easier.

Escort MAX4 with Bluetooth is compatible with our ESCORT DriveSmarter app, our award-winning app and exclusive real-time ticket-protection network, which warns you of upcoming alerts received and reported by other users in the area, and gives you access to local speed limit data for over-speed alerts. Compatible with CarPlay.

**The sale, possession, or use of radar detectors may not be legal in some provinces or states. NOT FOR SALE IN QUEBEC, ONTARIO AND MARITIME PROVINCES**


1 year warranty